Category:Forced Spawn Notorious Monsters

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File:Bomb Queen.jpg
Bomb Queen, a famous Forced Spawn NM.

Forced Spawn Notorious Monsters are a special class of Notorious Monsters. Unlike Lottery, Timed, or Morphed NMs, Force Spawned monsters are fought almost exclusively by players that have some foreknowledge of what they will be up against, as nearly all of these monsters require trading a specific item to a specific spot in order to make them appear.

There are a few notable subcategories of these monsters:

Monsters that don't fall into the above categories will usually require items that are dropped from common monsters in the area, but others may require having an item crafted or simply bought. The item will typically be consumed upon trading and some monsters, such as Goblin Archaeologist and Yara Ma Yha Who, may even require multiple items to be traded before they are spawned.

As these monsters are usually ones players prepare for before fighting, the vast majority of these monsters are catered to higher-level players. Indeed, many of the toughest monsters in the game are spawned this way (see: Kirin and Jailer of Love/Absolute Virtue).

The following table is an (incomplete) list of forced spawn Notorious Monsters, the conditions for spawning them, and their notable drops.

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Alastor Antlion Trade an Antlion Trap to the ??? at (F-10). 83 Attohwa Chasm Rostrum Pumps
Alkyoneus Trade a Moldy Buckler to the ??? at (H-8) on the twelfth floor. 75 Upper Delkfutt's Tower Alkyoneus's Bracelets
Amaltheia Trade a Relic Shield to the ??? at (K-6). Unknown Lufaise Meadows Amaltheia Hide
Aroma Crawler Check the ??? at (F-5), (J-6) or (I-8). 38-40 Maze of Shakhrami

Balm Sachet
Millefleurs Sachet
Olibanum Sachet
Attar Sachet
Sweet Sachet
Civet Sachet
Musk Sachet

Aroma Fly Check the ??? at (I-8) on Map 2, (F-7) on Map 3 or (H-8)/(H-9) on Map 4. 38-40 Gusgen Mines

Balm Sachet
Millefleurs Sachet
Olibanum Sachet
Attar Sachet
Sweet Sachet
Civet Sachet
Musk Sachet

Aroma Leech Check the ??? at (F-4), (G-8) or (I-11). Check mob page for more instruction on locating ??? locations. 38-40 Ordelle's Caves

Balm Sachet
Millefleurs Sachet
Olibanum Sachet
Attar Sachet
Sweet Sachet
Civet Sachet
Musk Sachet

Awd Goggie Trade an Rolanberry 864 to the ??? at (E-7) on the second map. 68 Crawlers' Nest Royal Jelly
Balor Trade a Fomor Codex to the Stale Draft at (F-5) on the Chapel Map. Must be traded by a Hume with maximum Fomor Hate. 59 Sacrarium Swift Belt
Beryl-footed Molberry Trade a Tonberry Rattle to the ??? around (I-7) or (I-8). 73-75 Temple of Uggalepih Hototogisu
Big Bomb Trade a Smoky Flask to the ??? at (I-8). 81-84 Halvung

Fire Bomblet
Horrent Mace

Black Coney Trade a San d'Orian Carrot to the Rabbit Footprint in (K-11) during the New Moon. 70-72 Uleguerand Range Selene's Bow
Bloodlapper Spawned by trading Gnat Pellets to the ??? at (L-11) 80 Meriphataud Mountains (S) Vicious Mufflers
Bomb Queen Trade 3 Bomb Queen Ash and a Bomb Queen Core to the ??? in (I-10). 80-81 Ifrit's Cauldron

Bomb Queen Ring

Brigandish Blade Trade a Curtana to the ??? in (H-12) on the first map. Unknown Ve'Lugannon Palace

Gem of the South
Libation Abjuration

Byakko Trade a Gem of the West and an Autumnstone to the ??? in (E/F-5). 88-90 Ru'Aun Gardens

Aquarian Abjuration: Head
Byakko's Axe
Byakko's Haidate
Dryadic Abjuration: Legs
Earthen Abjuration: Feet
Neptunal Abjuration: Hands
Seal of Byakko

Bugbear Matman Trade an Air Tank to the Moblin Showman at (I-9). Unknown Newton Movalpolos Rutter Sabatons
Caithleann Trade a Fomor Codex to the Stale Draft at (F-11) on the Chapel Map. Must be traded by a Mithra with maximum Fomor Hate. 59 Sacrarium Swift Belt
Cancer Trade a Quus to the ??? at (H-7) on the first map. Usually spawns a Robber Crab, but occasionally Cancer will pop. 65 Kuftal Tunnel Arondight
Chocoboleech Trade a Vial of Fresh Blood to the ??? at (F-8)/(F-9), (E-10) or (J-6). 24-25 Dangruf Wadi Gassan
Crimson-toothed Pawberry Trade an Uggalepih Offering to the ??? in (H-6) on the 4th map. 70 Temple of Uggalepih Carbuncle Mitts
Crystal Eater Trade a crystal every 1 hour and 20 minutes (until the NM spawns) to the "Dampsoil" on the 5th map. Unknown Aydeewa Subterrane

Rapture Earring
Brigand's Mask

Death from Above Trade a Bee Larvae to the ??? at (F-10) on the first map. 62 Temple of Uggalepih Hornetneedle
Deviator Trade Cerebrator Remnant to the ??? at (L-10) on the third floor. 60 Promyvion - Vahzl

Recollection of Suffering (Hamayumi)
White Memosphere

Drone Crawler Trade a Rolanberry 881 to the ??? at (H-7) on the second map. Can occasionally consume the Rolanberry without popping the NM. 50-55 Crawlers' Nest Rolanberry 874
Edacious Opo-opo Trade Pamamas (can take a high number of trades) to the ??? at (K-10). 60 Yhoator Jungle Nanban Kariginu
Genbu Trade a Gem of the North and a Winterstone to the ??? in (J-4/5). 88-90 Ru'Aun Gardens

Aquarian Abjuration: Hands
Aquarian Abjuration: Head
Arctic Wind
Genbu's Kabuto
Genbu's Shield
Martial Abjuration: Hands
Seal of Genbu
Wyrmal Abjuration: Feet

Geush Urvan Trade a Haunted Muleta to the ??? at (L-8). Unknown Uleguerand Range Toreador's Cape
Goblin Archaeologist Trade any non-EX item to the ??? at (I-7) until it pops. 30-75 Konschtat Highlands Gold Beastcoin
Goblin Archaeologist Trade any non-EX item to the ??? at (J-8) until it pops. 30-75 La Theine Plateau Gold Beastcoin
Goblin Archaeologist Trade any non-EX item to the ??? at (I-6) until it pops. 30-75 Tahrongi Canyon Gold Beastcoin
Goblin Collector Trade a Premium Bag to the ??? at (J-7). Unknown Newton Movalpolos Barbarian Mittens
Goblin Wolfman Trade a Goblin Drink to the Scrawled Writing on the table in (I-9), (I-11) or two places in (G-13). 50-55 Oldton Movalpolos Parade Gorget
Golden-Tongued Culberry Trade an Odorous Knife or an Odorous Knife +1 to the ??? at (I-9)/(J-9) in the uncapped tower. 84-85 Pso'Xja Uggalepih Pendant
Gration Trade a Hickory Shield or Picaroon's Shield to the ??? on the table in (H-8). 79 Misareaux Coast Tatami Shield
Guardian Crawler Trade a Rolanberry to the ??? at (J-9) on the first map. Can occasionally consume the Rolanberry without popping the NM. 45 Crawlers' Nest Rolanberry 881
Habetrot Trade 12 La Theine Cabbages to the ??? in (I-6) on the second map. Usually spawns a Rumble Crawler, but occasionally Habetrot will pop. 57-59 Temple of Uggalepih Twincoon
Hakutaku Trade a Hakutaku Eye Cluster to the ??? in (H-8). 85 Den of Rancor Optical Hat
Hercules Beetle Trade a Honey to three ??? at (G-7), during the night (22:00-4:00). After 4:00, if a ??? that had Honey traded to it is examined, there is a chance of the NM spawning. 34 Carpenters' Landing Black Hose
Indich Trade a Fomor Codex to the Stale Draft at (G-11) on the Chapel Map. Must be traded by a Galka with maximum Fomor Hate. 59 Sacrarium Swift Belt
Ix'aern (DRK) Check ??? in either (F-8), (J-8), (F-10), or (J-10). See mob page for a detailed description. 81 The Garden of Ru'Hmet

Deed of Moderation
Vice of Avarice (Altruistic Cape)

Ix'aern (MNK) Trade 1-3 High-Quality Aern Organs to the ??? in either (G-7) or (I-7) in the basement. 80 Verification Needed Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi

Deed of Placidity
Vice of Antipathy (Merciful Cape)

Jailer of Faith Trade a High-Quality Euvhi Organ to a ??? on the second floor of one of the race-specific towers. 85 The Garden of Ru'Hmet

Faith Baghnakhs
Faith Torque
Third Virtue

Jailer of Fortitude Trade 12 Ghrah M Chips to a ??? on the ground floor near the race-specific towers. 79 The Garden of Ru'Hmet

Fortitude Axe
Fortitude Torque
Second Virtue

Jailer of Hope Trade First Virtue, Deed of Placidity and High-Quality Phuabo Organ to the ??? in (D-9). 85 Al'Taieu

Hope Staff
Hope Torque
Fifth Virtue

Jailer of Justice Trade Second Virtue, Deed of Moderation and High-Quality Xzomit Organ to the ??? in (F-11). 85 Al'Taieu

Justice Sword
Justice Torque
Fourth Virtue

Jailer of Prudence Trade Third Virtue, Deed of Sensibility and High-Quality Hpemde Organ to the ??? in (L-8). 85 Al'Taieu

Prudence Rod
Prudence Torque
Sixth Virtue

Jailer of Love Trade Fourth Virtue, Fifth Virtue and Sixth Virtue to the ??? in (K-12). 83 Al'Taieu

Love Halberd
Love Torque
Aura of Adulation (Novio Earring)
Aura of Voracity (Novia Earring)

Kinepikwa Trade Peiste Pellets to the ??? at (G-10). 78 Pashhow Marshlands (S) Taster's Cape
Kirin Trade a Seal of Genbu, Seal of Byakko, Seal of Suzaku and a Seal of Seiryu to the ??? in (F-8) on the first map. 92 Shrine of Ru'Avitau

Dryadic Abjuration: Body
Kirin's Osode
Kirin's Pole
Neptunal Abjuration: Body
Wyrmal Abjuration: Legs

Kurrea Trade an Adamantoise Soup to the ??? at the shed at G-8. 84 Lufaise Meadows

Galliard Trousers

Lobais Trade a Fomor Codex to the Stale Draft at (H-5) on the Chapel Map. Must be traded by a Tarutaru with maximum Fomor Hate. 59 Sacrarium Swift Belt
Luaith Trade a Fomor Codex to the Stale Draft at (G-5) on the Chapel Map. Must be traded by a Elvaan with maximum Fomor Hate. 59 Sacrarium Swift Belt
Matron Crawler Trade a Rolanberry 874 to the ??? at (F-7) on the first map. Can occasionally consume the Rolanberry without popping the NM. 64 Crawlers' Nest Rolanberry 864
Morion Worm Trade an Iron Ore to a ??? located at (J-10) and (J-8) on the first map, (F-9) on the second map or (I-8) on the northern map. 30-32 Korroloka Tunnel Morion Tathlum
Mycophile Trade a Sleepshroom, Woozyshroom and a Danceshroom to the ??? in (I-11). 30-35 Carpenters' Landing Mycophile Cuffs
Nihniknoovi Check the FallenEgg in (I-6), (J-6), (L-7), (L-10), or (L-11). 14 La Theine Plateau Van Pendant
Olla Pequena Trade a Ro'Maeve Water to the ??? at (J-6) on Map 5. 83 Shrine of Ru'Avitau Eventually spawns Olla Media which spawns Olla Grande, which drops:

Freya's Tear

Pallas Trade a Hoary Battle Horn to the ??? at (H-8) on the eleventh floor. 72 Upper Delkfutt's Tower Pallas's Bracelets
Phantom Worm Trade a Darksteel Ore to the ??? at (I-6), (I-7), (H-6) or (H-7) on the second map. 70-72 Kuftal Tunnel Phantom Tathlum
Provoker Trade an Satiator Remnant to the ??? at (E-7). Unknown Promyvion - Vahzl Recollection of Anxiety (Stone Gorget)

White Memosphere

Queen Crawler Trade a Rolanberry 874 to the ??? at (D-7) on the 3rd map. Can occasionally consume the Rolanberry without popping the NM. 64 Crawlers' Nest Rolanberry 864
Sacrificial Goblet Trade a Uggalepih Whistle to the ??? at (I-8) on the 3rd map. 66-68 Temple of Uggalepih Charging Shield
Seiryu Trade a Gem of the East and a Springstone to the ??? in (K/L-8). 88-90 Ru'Aun Gardens

East Wind
Seal of Seiryu
Seiryu's Kote
Seiryu's Sword
Aquarian Abjuration: Legs
Dryadic Abjuration: Head
Martial Abjuration: Head
Wyrmal Abjuration: Hands

Shen Trade a Shrimp Lantern to the ??? in the water in (J-9). 84-86 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle Reverend Mail
Shieldtrap Trade a Shield Bug to the ??? at (I-9). Unknown Riverne - Site A01 Sennight Bangles
Skull of Envy Tallow Candle at (A-8). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Envy Spear
Skull of Gluttony Tallow Candle at (J-6). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Gluttony Sword
Skull of Greed Tallow Candle at (K-7). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Greed Scimitar
Skull of Lust Tallow Candle at (K-12). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Lust Dagger
Skull of Pride Tallow Candle at (I-10). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Pride Staff
Skull of Sloth Tallow Candle at (G-10). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Sloth Wand
Skull of Wrath Tallow Candle at (E-6). Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles around Eldieme Necropolis at the same time; the Flint Stones aren't lost. 60 Eldieme Necropolis Wrath Tabar
Sozu Rogberry Trade a Flickering Lantern to the ??? at (G-8) on the third map. 65-66 Temple of Uggalepih Thief's Knife
Suzaku Trade a Gem of the South and a Summerstone to the ??? in (E-9). 88-90 Ru'Aun Gardens

Antarctic Wind
Aquarian Abjuration: Legs
Dryadic Abjuration: Hands
Earthen Abjuration: Head
Neptunal Abjuration: Feet
Seal of Suzaku
Suzaku's Scythe
Suzaku's Sune-Ate

Tarasque Trade a Rattling Egg to the ??? at (I-7) on the sixth map. 72-74 Ifrit's Cauldron

Tarasque Skin

Tribunus VII-I Trade an Antican Tag to the ??? at (D-9) on the third map. 60-62 Quicksand Caves Tungi
Ullikummi Trade a Diorite to the ??? around (F-8)/(F-9)/(G-8)/(G-9) on the 6th map. 85-87 Shrine of Ru'Avitau

Ulfhedinn Axe

Unstable Cluster Trade a Clustered Tar to the ??? in a cave at (J-9). 56-57 Riverne - Site B01 Soboro Sukehiro
Vulkodlac Trade Gnole Pellets to the ??? at (H-11). Unknown Jugner Forest (S) Sothic Rope
Wailer Trade a Coveter Remnant to the ??? at (L-6) on the 4th floor. Unknown Promyvion - Vahzl

Recollection of Animosity (Dia Wand)
White Memosphere

White Coney Trade a San d'Orian Carrot to the Rabbit Footprint in (K-11) during the Full Moon. 70-72 Uleguerand Range Selene's Bow
Yara Ma Yha Who Trade a Distilled Water to the ??? in (J-10) every 50 minutes. It can take multiple trades to pop the NM. 15-20 Tahrongi Canyon Fasting Ring
Ziphius Spawned by trading a Slice of Carp to the six ??? that appear along the Rafelous River around H-5, during the night (22:00-4:00). After 4:00, if a ??? that had carp traded to it is examined, there is a chance of Ziphius spawning. The ??? disappear again at 7:00. 60-62 Misareaux Coast Hospitaler Earring