Category:Horizon Changes: Difference between revisions

From HorizonXI Wiki
m (→‎Weapon Skills: clubs and daggers updated)
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Revision as of 23:17, 7 February 2024

HorizonXI Wiki - HorizonXI Changes

HorizonXI is an 'era+' FFXI private server. The 'era+' alludes to custom changes made by the development team in an attempt to balance the game more fairly and to make some lesser used content more relevant. This page contains a list of all KNOWN custom changes.




  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Moderate changes to the relic weapon Spharai.
  • Boost has a larger attack bonus of 20% Verification Needed, a longer recast of 30 seconds and a duration 3 minutes.
  • Focus is learned at level 15 instead of 25, has a 3 minute duration and increases critical hit rate by ???. Verification Needed
  • Dodge is learned at level 25, has a 3 minute duration and increases guard rate by ???. Verification Needed
  • Chakra's recast time has been reduced to 2 minutes from 3. It also removed multiple status effects the player is inflicted with.
  • Chi Blast now also removes 1 mob buff (Dispel). Testing is required to see whether this effect is random. Verification Needed
  • Boost's effect on Chi Blast has need lessened from retail

White Mage

Black Mage

Red Mage


  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Major changes to the relic weapon Mandau including the new Adaptive Effect.
  • Treasure Hunter has been removed from Thief's Knife and has moved to the custom item Nanaa's Charm.
  • The player's Accuracy and Ranged Accuracy when using Perfect Dodge are increased by 999.
  • Many elemental type weapon skills have been changed to the "hybrid" type and will now stack with Sneak Attack.
  • Triple Attack unlocks at level 30 instead of 55.
  • Assassin is unlocked at level 50 instead of 60.
  • Accomplice was not available in the current era, can now be used on an alliance (it was party only on retail), has had it's level reduced from 65 to 45 and no longer shares a recast timer with Collaborator.
  • Collaborator was not available in the current era, can now be used on an alliance (it was party only on retail), has had it's level reduced from 65 to 45 and it's recast time increased from 1 to 5 minutes It no longer shares a recast timer with Accomplice and it now redirects 50% of the Thief's enmity to their chosen target.
  • Bully was not available in the current era, has had it's level reduced from 93 to 40, it's recast has been lowered from 3 to 1 minute. The ability has been completely reworked, now giving a guaranteed status bolt additional effect proc on monsters within 15 levels of the Thief. On Notorious Monsters, the chance of landing a status effect bolt has been increased but not guarenteed. The omni-directional sneak attack portion has been removed.
  • Mug grants a critical hit rate bonus of 5% on the target monster for 30 seconds. Recast time reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes


  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Significant changes to the relic weapon Ragnarok.
  • Paladin's are able to use most clubs now. Changes have also been made to club weapon skills to make them a viable choice for paladins.
  • Shields have been buffed and now have an increased block rate and damage reduction when blocking.
  • Holy Circle increased damage for party member against undead mobs. Protects against blood aggro but further testing is required to ascertain how. Verification Needed
    Recast has also been doubled to 10 minutes.
  • Chivalry is available at level 45. It was originally a merit ability. It's recast has also been reduced from 20 to 15 minutes.
  • The accuracy of the stun component of the job ability “Shield Bash” has been increased. It will now provide a similar stun rate to the job ability “Weapon Bash”. Version 1.2
  • The job ability “Cover” is now usable on alliance members. Version 1.2
  • Cover no longer requires the paladin to put themselves in between party member and enemy. Works as long as party member stays in range and does not move. Verification Needed
  • Auto-Refresh's level has been reduced to 25, from 35. It wasn't available until the Treasures of Aht Urghan era.

Dark Knight

  • Moderate changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Minor change to the relic weapon Apocalypse.
  • Significant changes to the relic weapon Ragnarok.
  • Arcane Circle has a damage bonus against arcana for all parties members as well as providing protection against magic aggro. The recast of this ability has also been doubled to 10 minutes.
  • Arcane Circle Recast merits now decrease its recast time by 20 seconds per merit, instead of 10.
  • Souleater now has a recast time of 5 minutes, instead of 6.
  • Souleater Recast merits now decreases its recast by 10 seconds per merit, instead of 12.
  • Last Resort's duration has been doubled from 30 to 60 seconds.


  • Moderate changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Significant changes to the relic weapon Guttler.
  • The night flowers that need to be examined while doing the Save My Son can be examined as early as 16:00 and as late as 06:00 hours in game. This may or may not be a bug.
  • Ready wasn't available until 2009. There are only 45 seconds between charges as opposed to 60 seconds when it was available. A maximum of 3 charges still applies but this is now attained after 2 minutes and 25 seconds has passed as opposed to 3 minutes.
  • Every physical and magical damage dealing TP moves are no longer imbued with Skillchain Attributes/Magic Burst Properties.
  • Pets will persist through a player zoning, at the time of writing a feature unique to Horizon.
  • All HQ Familiar's now cap at 75
  • Pet food has been buffed to provide increased HP/stats etc. to pets.


  • Minor changes to artifact armor.
  • Significant changes to Mandau.



  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Significant changes to the relic weapon Yoichinoyumi.
  • Hasso was't available in the CoP era. It now shares a recast time of 45 seconds with Seigan. The bonus effects of Zanshin appears to no longer be in effect Verification Needed.
  • Seigan - was't available in the CoP era. It now shares a recast time of 45 seconds with Hasso. The bonus effects of Zanshin appears to no longer be in effect Verification Needed.
  • Warding Circle increases party-wide damage dealt against Demon enemies.
  • Zanshin - Doesn't gain the activation rate bonus from Hasso/Seigan. It has been reported that it no longer activates on attacks that are guarded, countered or deal 0 damage. Verification Needed



  • Moderate changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Moderate changes to the relic weapon Gungnir.
  • Ancient Circle now increased damage dealt by the party to dragon enemies. It's recast time has been increased to 10 minutes.
  • Steady Wing was not available in the current era and it's level has been reduced from 95 to 30.



  • Attack and Accuracy modifiers have been adjusted as part of a general balancing pass on Horizon. The purpose of these adjustments is to compensate for current and future player power while keeping in mind the addition of new items, job abilities, traits, and merits in the future. - Version 1.2
Attack&Accuracy modifiers 1.2.png
  • Club damage was buffed
  • All damage-type (piercing, blunt, slashing) bonus is reduced from 25% to 12.5% against monsters with a particular weakness to one of the types eg. birds now only take 12.5% extra damage.
  • TP is measured in 1000% increments whereas in era this was in 100%.

Experience Points

  • WotG exp rates.
  • Level Sync is available and limited to 10 levels before an XP penalty begins to take effect. See the level sync page for more information.
  • All Experience Scrolls give triple the amount of EXP. - Update. 1.1

Weapon Skills

  • Every weapon type will now obtain its first weapon skill at skill level 5 instead of skill level 10. - Version 1.2
  • Skillchain damage against mobs no longer has a chance of being resisted against non NM/HNM/endgame bosses.
  • Many Weapon Skills have been found to have their had property changes but not had their in-game help text updated (yet).
  • Most Elemental WS changed to hybrid and will stack with Sneak Attack.

Click on a weapon type to display changes to the respective Weapon Skills

[Archery] - [Axe] - [Club] - [Dagger] - [Hand-to-Hand] - [Great Axe] - [Great Katana] - [Great Sword] - [Katana] - [Marksmanship] - [Polearm] - [Scythe] - [Staff] - [Sword]







  • All Auction Houses are linked and each player has a 21 item limit.
  • Bazaar tax is set to 10% across the world.
  • Yells only appear in the log whilst being inside a town or city zone.
  • Items inside a players Storage can be accessed in Jeuno as well as their home nation.
  • Mog Wardrobes 1 & 2 can be obtained via certain progress conditions. See the page for futher details. This wasn't available until well beyond Horizon's current era.
  • Wardrobe 8 is now available but only for storing cosmetic items. - Version 1.2
  • Mog Satchel is available by linking your discord and in-game character. See discord for more information.
  • Players may have 2 linkshells equipped at the same time.
  • Key items sort into 4 categories: Temporary Key Items, Permanent Key Items, Claim Slips and Magical Maps. These categories were only introduced in June 2007 source.
  • Macro books were only introduced in November 2007 source.
  • Beastmen/Kindred seals etc. weren't storable with Shami until September 2008 source.
  • Mog house exit cutscenes are disabled and mog house home points are enabled.



Claimed adjustments from their website.

Server Settings

  • Launch Expansion: Chains of Promathia ("CoP")
  • Level Cap: 75
  • Launch Patch Date: April 17, 2006 (day before ToAU update)
  • Accounts/Characters: 1 account (single box) and 3 characters per IP address
  • Movement Speed: 40 - Level 75 cap era default movement speed (-20% speed)
  • Experience Rates: 1.0 - Wings of the Goddess (“WoTG”) EXP rates
  • Crafting Rates: 1.0
  • Level Sync: Launch System - Unlimited Sync with scaling penalty (see “System: Level Sync” section below)
  • Equipment Scaling (Level Sync): Disabled
  • Auction House: Stocked by players - 21 item limit per character
  • Fishing: Enabled
  • Gardening: Enabled
  • Chocobo Digging: Enabled
  • Dynamis: CoP era with 71 hour lockout (reduced from 72), rumors state it is an entirely new system built by the devs from scratch.
  • Claim Shield: Added to prominent NMs to provide a fair playing experience for all players. HorizonXI uses a lottery based claim shield system where each person has the opportunity to act on the mob once for a chance to claim the monster. After all players have acted and the claim window has closed, the monster will randomly select one person who acted on it and give them the claim. Multiple actions taken on a monster during the lottery do not increase your chances at claiming - each person can only enter the claim lottery once before the lottery window ends.
  • Inventory Expansions: Mog Wardrobes 1 and 2, and Mog Satchel to be unlocked by completing certain objectives (see “System: Inventory Expansion” section below)
  • Treasure Hunter: Era accurate (we used SE's official Treasure Hunter chart to build our system)
  • Era accurate drop rates: Drop rates for all items have been adjusted to reflect the era experience more accurately

Verification Needed

  • Counterstance reduces more defense than normal and doesn't give any positive buffs.
  • Gravity movement speed issues. Fixed with update on 03/03/2023? Verification Needed